Monday, February 20, 2012

How to solve this configuration error while deploying application?

I am getting a server error while setting up BugTracker.Net in my local machine.

How can I solve this issue?

This error gives when required .net  framework is not installed on your machine.
To install .net framework go to visual studio 2010  command prompt and write the following command:

aspnet_regiis -i

This will install .net framwork 4 on your machine.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

An alternative to cursor

While working with database we often require to use Cursor. Cursors force the database engine to repeatedly fetch rows. This may slow down your database and locking may occur. As a result cursor are not suggested to use if not extremely necessary.

If there is a primary key on a table, you can usually write a WHILE loop to do the same work without incurring the overhead of a cursor. The following example demonstrate the idea:

Declare @ItemId bigint

Declare @OldItemCode varchar(50)

      SELECT Top 1   @ItemId= ItemId, @OldItemCode=OldItemCode
      FROM         InvItem
      WHERE      (IsStockItem = 'true')

      WHILE @ItemId is not null
            print 'Item: '+convert(varchar(10),@ItemId)+' - '+convert(varchar(50),@OldItemCode)
            if exists (select ItemId from InvItem where IsStockItem=1 and ItemId>@ItemId)
                        SELECT Top 1    @ItemId=ItemId, @OldItemCode=OldItemCode
                        FROM         InvItem
                        WHERE      (IsStockItem = 'true') and ItemId>@ItemId
                        set @ItemId=null