Thursday, August 29, 2013

How to find out database error?

Problem: How can I find out errors in SQL Server database?

Solution: While running database for a long time on live, it may occur some error in database. To find out database error DBCC CHECKDB command is commonly used. DBCC CHECKDB find out database memory allocation and structural integrity of all object in the specified database. DBCC CHECKDB performs a physical consistency check. DBCC CHECKDB is the safest repair statement because it identifies and repairs the most of the possible errors.

Lets See the syntax of DBCC CHECKDB command:
    ( 'database_name'
    )    [ WITH { [ ALL_ERRORMSGS ]
                    [ , [ NO_INFOMSGS ] ]
                    [ , [ TABLOCK ] ]
                    [ , [ ESTIMATEONLY ] ]
                    [ , [ PHYSICAL_ONLY ] ]

Lets see some important arguments:

'database_name': Name of the database you want to check for memory allocation and structural integrity errors.
NOINDEX: Specifies that non-clustered indexes should not be checked.

REPAIR_FAST: Performs minor, quick repair actions. No risk of data loss.
REPAIR_REBUILD: Performs all repairs done by REPAIR_FAST and repair actions like rebuilding indexes. No risk of data loss.
REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS: This performs all repair actions done by REPAIR_REBUILD and includes allocation and reallocation of rows and pages for correcting allocation errors, structural row or page errors, and deletion of corrupted text objects.

Note: Database requires to be in single user mode while specified these arguments.

Example of commands:
1. Check current database errors

2. Check specified database without non-clustered indexes:

3. Check database errors with REPAIR_REBUILD specified:
    sp_dboption AMMS, single, true
    sp_dboption AMMS, single, false

4. Check database errors with REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS specified:
    exec sp_dboption AMMS, single, true
    begin try
    DBCC CHECKDB (AMMS, repair_allow_data_loss)
    end try
    begin catch
    DBCC CHECKDB (AMMS, repair_allow_data_loss)
    end catch
    exec sp_dboption AMMS, single, false

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